Much has happened since my last few blog posts! 3 months of pattern-cutting classes, illustration classes, essay-prep lectures on object analysis, plagiarism, product creativity and more... I handed in a 3 paged essay based on an antique ring, a 20+ paged illustration book of art based on that object and a 95-paged technical file on every dart manipulation, sleeve type and body shape we learned. Needless to say I was thrilled when the holiday finally began!
Workin' on a raglan sleeve pattern in calico (sample fabric)
Christmas break was spent wasting away in front of a beautiful fireplace at home in Chicago with riding my lovely mare 3 times a week. I did some snowboarding when I could but sadly the snow was poor and my holiday was all too short!
Cozy fireplace at home
My beautiful baby girl!
And so will begin my term 2.....Happy 2013!